The Successful Nurse Coaches ™

The Successful Nurse Coaches ™

Hosted by: Laura Minard, Shelby Kurz

The Successful Nurse Coaches is a space for Private Practice Nurse Coaches to learn the skills to generate income and create the successful private practice of their dreams. Laura Minard and Shelby Kurz are both...

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# 122 TSNC 2024 Offers

After a few years of our Mentorship being the primary way we work with Nurse Coaches, we have created a new iteration of our offers and this podcast explains what everything is! There are four ways to work with...
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# 121 The Biggest Fears About Being a Paid Nurse Coach

In this episode Laura references a Facebook Group post and addresses the comments where new nurse coaches share their biggest fears. All of the fears boil down to just a few themes: Fear of failure, Fear of Rejection,...
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# 120 Are You Cherry-Picking Your Opportunities?

Solo ep with Shelby today!   Today is a quick, fiery, pep talk which seems to be my vibe as of late.   We are going to explore the ways your brain can play silly games with you and how limiting beliefs filter and...
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# 119 Money: Ten Things You Didn't Know

Ever thought about how to view money differently?   Heard the words “money story” and unsure what the means, or if you have one?   Tune in with us this week and we talk all things money, money, money.   Money and...
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# 118 Challenging: A Coaching Tool

In this episode Laura shares about Challenging as a coaching tool and how to best use it to serve our clients.   Watch the full episode here!
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# 117 Client Spotlight: Jessica Mclellan

In this week’s episode, Laura interviews Jessica Ann about her journey from the beginning. We talked about energy healing, being able to feel emotions, and how if you don’t quit sometimes things will just...
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# 116 Have You Decided?

In today's episode, I reflect on a recent retreat and share an impactful realization about the art of decision-making. Drawing from my many years of supporting nurse entrepreneurs, I delve into the personal...
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# 115 Why You Can't Just Put Yourself Out There

Laura goes unscripted for 30 minutes talking about why new nurse coaches can’t just put themselves out there and expect any results.   Laura shares many different connecting scripts, and how to do direct invites...
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# 114 Why Most Nurse Coaches Aren't Health Coaches

Today's episode: "Why Most Nurse Coaches Aren't Health Coaches" is a powerful dive into the world of personalized coaching with your favorite nurse coach duo :)   Join us this week as we unpack the nuances that...
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# 113 Fun > Hustle

Follow your excitement? Sure! Rest is productive? Of course! Make sure to take off days? 100%! But is there a way to infuse more fun into the mundane business routine? How does that effect the longevity of your...
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# 112 Client Spotlight: Darcie Ziel

In this episode Laura interviews Darcie Ziel, a Master’s Mentee that shares about her love of combining coaching with nature.   Darcie Ziel BSN, RN, NC-BC loves to use creativity, nature, somatic presence, and...
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# 111 Lean Into the Cringe

Okay, so CRINGE! Let’s talk about it!   Reality TV, that icky feeling in your stomach when someone makes a joke and it doesn’t land annnnnd…nurse coaching?!   From our own cringe to other embarrassing encounters, join...
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